Saturday, August 29, 2009

fabric sensors

In one parangonet I am using a fabric sensor. It was developed by Mika Satomi and Hannah.

For that you have to use conductive fabric, normal fabric and velostat.

After done you have to make a small circuit with a resistor.

I am conecting with an arduino board, but you can use any microcontroler you want.

It is simple to make and very sensible.

Friday, August 28, 2009


This is a work that I am doing right now. It began with a nice conversation between me and Jader Scalzareto who is the co-author. It is a small tribute to the great artist Helio Oiticica. The idea is to create a set of "parangolés" remotely connected. According the movements of each one some sound are triggered and modified. as it is still under development I will post here some pictures of the process.

First parangonet made with many pieces of fabrics from different parts of the world, representing various cultures.

Atferwards a curcuit will be attached to this parangonet.

The circuit is composed by: arduino lylipad, accelerometer, xbee, power supply.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oslo Screen Festival

Oslo Screen Festival began in 2008 with the aim of bringing together young emerging artists working with video to present their work to Oslo audiences. The purpose of the festival is to focus on experimental video works and to emphasise emerging poetics of the medium.

We are now open for entries to the festival's second edition in March 2010 and would like to invite artists and filmmakers to send us their works. An award of €1000 will be given to the best video. Please find regulation & entry form on our website

The deadline for entries is October 15th.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hussein Chalayan for Puma Spring/Summer 2010 “Urban Mobility”

It was released the new work of Chalayan as a new creative director of PUMA called "urban mobility". Chalayan designed some clothes with extra functionality as a throuser with lots of pockets to make life in airport easier and a jacket that opens with a remote control.

keep your eyes open to what come next...

Monday, August 17, 2009

FILE Festival

Here more pictures of my work at FILE Festival...

Friday, August 14, 2009

when technnology meets krats

I can not put the video here but it deserves a watch if you like fashion and technology.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Suffering Machine

Escvrevo abaixo algumas reflexões que recebi sobre meu projeto Suffering Machine.

Sorry, only in portuguese.

Neste projeto, existe um conceito profundo e o seu entendimento é essencial para a nossa existencia, alias, as verdades grandes e profundas se incerem frequentemente no Simples.
O ser humano esta sempre em busca da felicidade eterna, concreta, aquela que nao depende de circunstancias, e isso é uma busca dolorosa, desgastante, pq a falta de entendimento de nos mesmos nos impede de chegar-mos a um concenso. Entao vivemos assim; na maioria das vezes na defensiva, sempre procurando justificar os nossos atos afim de ficarmos em paz com a nossa conciencia e.,.. nao conseguimos.

"Vamos observar o " Projeto do Robozinho Imperfeito".-------------------
Observe o Robo: ao mesmo tempo que ele sente, ele desperta sentimentos.
-- Se ele fosse um ser humano, por causa da sua imperfeiçao, ele poderia sentir: - medo , odio , desprezo , revolta , tristeza , afliçao , desanimo , fraqueza , desespero , angustia , infelicidade , incapacidade......e poderiamos ainda enumerar varios outros sentimentos negativos.
Mas, ainda ele desperta em outros seres humanos, sentimentos dos mais variados, como por ex: piedade , compreensao , ternura , carinho , como tb,( dependendo da estoria de vida de cd ser humano,) podera,, observando este Robo ,ser despertado sentimentos de:raiva , agressividade , impaciencia , orgulho , vaidade , poder , soberba , desprezo , ...etc...etc.
à respeito de sentimentos, o nosso controle é tremendamente limitado, pq o "sentir" habita no coraçao, no mais profundo da Alma.

Através desta realidade, tao complexa e claramente verdadeira, podemos compreender que seres humanos podem se relacionar, se acrescentar uns aos outros, porem, a nivel de sentimentos é mais sutil, é delicado...e isto pq nao conhecemos a nos mesmos.
O sentimento que uma pessoa pode despertar em vc, (sentimento bom ou ruim), nem vc mesmo sabia que existia no seu coraçao.

Tremendo misterio é o Relacionamento.

Quando refletimos em todas estas coisas, começamos a observar a veracidade da Palavra de Deus (feliz daqueles que a conhecem e a praticam,pq caminham para o entendimento.

Voltemos ao Robozinho imperfeito.

-----Quem neste mundo pode afirmar que é perfeito?
------Quem neste mundo pode afirmar que é bom?
------Quem neste mundo pode afirmar que é justo?
-------Quem neste mundo pode afirmar que é a verdade?

Podemos afirmar,"se estiver-mos ligados à Jesus Cristo que temos "A Verdade", mas nunca que somos a verdade.

Somente Jesus afirmou isto: "EU SOU O CAMINHO, A VERDADE E A VIDA. NINGUEM VEM (e nao vai ) AO PAI SENAO POR MIM. Ele é o pp Deus.

O homem começa a se conhecer a partir do momento em que olha para o seu criador.
Deus é perfeito e criou o homem à sua imagem e semelhança e tb com o direito de Livre Arbitrio.(sem o qual ele nao seria livre).

Deus nos fez perfeitos mas, o pecado quebrou o relacionamento com ELE, e ficamos assim, como o Robozinho imperfeito, escravos do pecado,pecado este que brota de dentro da nossa alma e nao temos como controla-lo, a nao ser que deixemos JESUS agir.

As outras pessoas, como podemos observar, através deste Projeto, nao nos podem ajudar, simplesmente pq. elas tb sao imperfeitas. A felicidade entao, é momentanea,depende de circunstancias e nao existe um crescimento, mas sim, um circulo vicioso.

" Je veux vivre libre de moi-meme" quer dizer:(Eu desejo viver livre de mim mesmo) e isso, DEUS, o nosso criador, ELE mesmo, atraves DELE mesmo, JESUS CRISTO, nos libertou da maldiçao do circulo vicioso , do Pecado, e nos deu e nos da....pra todo aquele que quer, Vida em Abundancia e Eterna.

Gostei muito deste projeto.........para mim ele é significativo.....

Friday, August 7, 2009

MyCity: Residencies for artists from Turkey

European Residencies [MCER]

MCER, is a one-off programme to be realized between 2010 and 2011 for enabling visual artists from Turkey to develop their work in six prominent host institutions across Europe through residencies. It forms part of My City, a new cultural initiative funded through the European Commission’s Cultural Bridges Programme, designed and run by the British Council in Turkey. The programme’s aim is to establish partnerships between artists and institutions in Turkey and Europe.

The My City programme has two strands: MCER and a programme of activities in Turkey around the theme of art in public space, including seminars, conferences and new commissions. Starting in 2009, five artists from Europe will be invited to Turkey to develop a unique work of public art for a specific city in Turkey. The selected cities are Canakkale, Istanbul, Konya, Mardin and Trabzon. Each of these cities has a unique story to tell and this project will give the artists the opportunity to take part in residencies and show their work at some of Europe’s leading cultural venues. The names of all participants will be announced during the International Istanbul Biennale in September.

My City has been conceived by the British Council together with Anadolu Kultur and Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center. The project is funded by the European Commission and the British Council.

The project goal is to enable visual artists to develop and reflect upon their work in a different European environment and culture. The residency also generates opportunities for making or extending contacts and for exploring and/or developing a new context as well as producing new work.

Who Can Apply?
My City European Residencies [MCER] grants are intended for visual artists. However, artists who are part of a collective or a multi-disciplinary team are also welcome to apply to the MCER.

In addition to work-related criteria, there are a number of conditions applicants must satisfy in order to qualify for a grant. All applicants must be resident in Turkey, and if they are not nationals of Turkey, they must have a valid residence permit. A good command of English and other relevant languages of the place of residence are required. Deadline for application is the 21st of August.

If you require more information please contact:

Selection Process
MCER Applications will be reviewed by a committee of six professionals, including but not limited to curators, who have the experience in international residencies. There will be one representative each from Platform Garanti and the British Council.

The committee will prepare a short-list of three candidates for each institution for which the application was made. The final selection will be made by the European host institutions in consultation with the committee.

Participating institutions:

- Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
- Frame, Finnish Fund for Art Exchange, Helsinki
- Gasworks International Residencies & Students, London
- DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service, Berlin
- The Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
- Hartware MedienKunstVerein & Künstlerhaus Dortmund

Application deadline:
21 August 2009

Please see the following document for further information about the host institutions and the application form.