Dear friends and readers,
I want to invite you to visit my new exhibition at FILE festival in São Paulo - Brazil.
FILE 10 NURBS PROTO 4KT is the title of the FILE 09 exhibition, that will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from July 28 to August 30, 2009. This year, we have the honor to present FILE 10 -- ten years of events accomplished in the city of São Paulo, ten years of discussion on art and technology in Brazil. NURBS (Non Uniform Rational Basis Spline) is a well-known 20th century computer graphic technique for representing smooth surfaces - which according to Lev Manovich, the author of the opening text in the catalog, can become a new tool for cultural theory in the 21 century, along with other computer graphics and visualization tools. Lev Manovich will also take part in FILE Symposium and FILE LABO Workshop. PROTO, from "Protomembrane", title of the performance by the Catalan artist Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca, which will happen during the event opening, at Teatro Popular do Sesi. 4KT, the first transcontinental high-definition broadcasting of a feature film: "While the Night Doesn't Come", by the Brazilian director Beto Souza, among the cities of São Paulo (Brazil), San Diego (United States), and Yokohama (Japan).
More info: