Segue abaixo o press release do festival de filmes lá na Grécia que eu recebi.
Naoussa, April 2008
Subject: Naoussa International Short Film and Video Festival: The true digital cinema experience has just begun!
In the crowded from enthusiastic audience central screening room of the municipal theater of Naoussa took place the opening ceremony of the 5th Naoussa International Short Film and Video Festival. During the ceremony, which was presented by actress Stephanie Capetanides, were introduced dance performances, videos from the preparation procedure were screened and the first three films were projected.
The event honoured with their presence the General Director of the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, Mr. Parthenopoulos, the vice-prefector of Imathia, Mrs. Aldakou, the mayor of Naoussa, Mr. Karabatzos and many young people.
The president of the festival Mr. Karanatsios in his speech stated the effort that has been attempted all the previous years so that the Festival gets bigger, to develop and to be considered as truly important event. At the same time, he mentioned the difficulties and the obstacles set against the development of the Festival. Finally, he thanked all those who supported in any way, this important effort to develop the local area.
The Festival continues its events today, with several films. More precisely we mention “Child and cinema”, “Book and cinema”, the films made by students, while at night, the concert of Stubeat will be held.
The Festival is organized by the civil company of Arts and Culture ARTION and is organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, the Greek Film Center, the Institute of Audiovisual Means, the Prefecture of Imathia and the School of Fine Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The Festival is supported by the 3rd Community Support Framework and the Operational Program “Culture”.
Furthermore, the Festival is organized with the support of the Cinema Museum of Thessaloniki, the Media Desk Hellas, the Institute of Communication, the Hellenic Red Cross, the magazine Cinema, the Athens Film Festival “Nights of Premiere” and the Municipal Cultural Organization of Naoussa. Sponsor of the People’s Choice Award is ALMECO.
Communication sponsors of the Festival is the newspaper KATHIMERINI, the radio station Palmos 96,5, the magazine CITY and the portals and
The Naoussa Film Festival consists one of the most rapidly developing cultural events, promotes Greek cinema abroad, transforms our country to reference point for the digital cinema and contributes decisively to the regional development. Our strategic goal is to promote the Naoussa International Film Festival into the most important digital cinema festival in the region of the Southeastern Europe.
The program of the festival is given in short, below:
Exhibition of cartoons of the Thessaloniki Cinema Museum (foyer of the screening room 1)
Everyday from 12.00
Giorgos Katsaggelos’ Photo Exhibition (Exhibition Room of the Public Library)
From the 7th to the 11th of May, 11.30 – 13.00 and 18.00 – 19.30
Exhibition of Comics of the group Inkorrect (Café – Bar)
Every day from 12.00
Exhibition of happenings of the Festival (Café – Bar)
Every day from 12.00
Master classes (Screening room 2)
Friday 19.00 Panos Koutras’ Master class
Saturday 18.45 Giorgos Tseberopoulos’ Master Class
Sunday 18.45 Dinos Avgoustidis and Kleon Griogoriadis’ Master Class
Tribute to the Italian cinema (Screening room 2)
Sunday 15.15
Tribute to the advertisements (Screening room 3)
Saturday 20.00
“Book and the Cinema” (Screening room 3)
Friday 20.10
“Child and the Cinema” (Screening room 1)
Friday 11.30
Concerts (Café – Bar)
Thursday 22.45 Concert of Émigré
Friday 23.00 Concert of Stubeat
Saturday 23.00 Concert of De Niro
Sunday 22.50 Concert of C-Real
FEST ON AIR (foyer of Screening room 1)
The radio station of the festival will be with you every day from 9.00 to 23.00 in cooperation with Ergatikos FM 101.5
We inform you that the projections of the Screening Room 1 begin at 14.00, of the Screening Room 2, at 16.30 and if the Screening Room 3, at 16.00. In the Screening room 3 the films of Digital View will be projected. Because of the needs of the Festival which are bigger, the Festival obtains a third screening room in the place of the parking opposite to the Municipal Theater.
ARTION, the company which organizes the Naoussa International Short Film and Video Festival invites you to participate in the events. It invites you to live the true digital cinema experience in Naoussa!
For any information contact Nikos Koutsogiannis, Department of Marketing and Public Relations, in the following telephones:
As well as through e-mail in the following address:
ΖΑΦΕΙΡΑΚΗ 48 – Τ.Κ. 59200 – ΝΑΟΥΣΑ – e-mail: –